Emergency Maintenance (Updated)

(Updated at 23:30, 02/12 PST) Apologies for the emergency maintenances. All players will receive 5 Dragon Stones as compensation.
Fri 02/12/2016 11:00 am PST
=======================2016/2/12 23:30 PST Edit: A server error occurred resulting in some issues in thegame. Emergency maintenances were performed tosolve this problem during the following times: 2/12 10:00 ~ 10:45 PST2/12 14:05 ~ 14:50 PST All players will receive 5 Dragon Stones as compensation. ==

Delivery Time

==2/12 23:30 PST *Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed asPacific Standard Time (PST) and not Pacific DaylightTime (PDT). *The Dragon Stones will be sent to your Gift box. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.Thank you for your understanding and patience! We hope you continue to enjoy playing Dragon Ball ZDokkan Battle!======================= A problem was found in game and therefore two emergencymaintenances were performed accordingly. Details regardingthis problem and compensation will be posted later. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.Thank you for your understanding and patience! We hope you continue to enjoy playing Dragon Ball ZDokkan Battle!