Regarding the Adjustments to Certain Skill Descriptions

The Passive Skill and Active Skill descriptions of certain characters have been adjusted to better match the actual display.
Wed 03/31/2021 05:30 am PDT
Dear Players,
Thank you for your passionate support for Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle.
The Passive Skill descriptions and Active Skill activation condition descriptions of certain characters have been adjusted as follows:
1. Passive Skill Description Adjustment Adjusted the Passive Skill descriptions of certain characters who can launch a counterattack when evading enemies' normal attacks.
- Example: Before adjustment: Counters with enormous power upon receiving normal attacks
After adjustment: Counters normal attacks with enormous power
- List of Characters - [Furious Transformation] Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma - [Outburst of Emotions] Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma - [Hero Master] Great Saiyaman 3 - [Hero Who Unites the World] Great Saiyaman 3 - [Fused Super Power] Super Vegito - [Fused Hope] Super Vegito
2. Active Skill Description Adjustment Added "or more" to the activation condition descriptions of characters who can launch their Active Skills after receiving a certain number of enemy attacks.
- Example: Before adjustment: Can be activated after the character receives attack 5 times in battle (once only)
After adjustment: Can be activated after the character receives attack 5 or more times in battle (once only)
- List of Characters - [Majesty of the Mighty] Jiren (Full Power) - [Peerless Super Power] Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
* The above are adjustments to the descriptions only. The actual effects of the Passive Skills and Active Skills are not affected.
We hope you continue to enjoy playing Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle!