The Power of Trust! The Miracle of Universe 7!

New stages are available! Clear the event to complete the Support Memories!View Event
Sun 07/18/2021 05:00 pm PDT

Event Period

7/18 (Sun) 16:00 ~ 8/9 (Mon) 15:59 PST
* Caution: Event Times in Dokkan Battle are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST) instead of Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).


In accordance with Goku's proposal, ten fighters from each attending universe would team up and fight in the Tournament of Power.
Will Goku and friends be able to gather the 10 best fighters in Universe 7 and reign victorious in this intense battle for survival?

Stage Details

Event Details

There is a chance to recruit [Fruits of Training With Family] Krillin & Android #18 in Stage 2 and a chance to recruit [Martial Artists' Readiness] Master Roshi & Tien in Stage 3!

Dokkan Awakening

[Fruits of Training With Family] Krillin & Android #18 and [Martial Artists' Readiness] Master Roshi & Tien can be Dokkan Awakened with the Awakening Medals obtained in this event!
In addition, [New Form on the Horizon] Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-), the Dokkan Awakened form of [The Desired Battle] Goku recruited from the Story Event "Dragon Ball Super: Universe Survival Saga", can be Dokkan Awakened with the Awakening Medals obtained in this event to transcend the UR limit!

Support Memory

Clear Stage 1 to complete the Support Memory "Master and Disciple's Goal"!
- Master and Disciple's Goal Effect: "Bond of Master and Disciple" Category allies' ATK & DEF +10% for 2 turns from the start of battle (once only)
In addition, the Support Memory "Bond of Sister and Brother" can be obtained in Stage 7!
- Bond of Sister and Brother Effect: Recovers 18% HP and "Siblings' Bond" Category allies' ATK & DEF +18% for 1 turn when HP is 50% or less (once only)
* There is a chance of obtaining Support Memories on NORMAL difficulty in Stage 1 and Stage 7.
* For more information on Support Memories, please tap the "How to Use" button on the "Support Memory/Film" page or navigate the following path: "Menu" -> "Help" -> "How to Play" -> "Items" -> "Support Memories/Film".

Event Tips

- Build your team with characters from the "Representatives of Universe 7" Category! The more characters from the "Representatives of Universe 7" Category on your team, the higher your chance of getting bonus rewards in this event!
Also, the higher the Rarity of characters from the "Representatives of Universe 7" Category, the higher the chance for you to get bonus rewards!
Krillin & Android #18 and Master Roshi & Tien recruited from this event belong to the "Representatives of Universe 7" Category! Include them on your team to increase your chance of getting bonus rewards!
* Raising characters' Rarity through Z-Awakening will not increase the chance of obtaining bonus rewards.

Other Rewards

One Dragon Stone will be rewarded for clearing each stage from Stage 1 to Stage 10 on NORMAL or Z-HARD. (20 Dragon Stones are available in total.)
* Obtaining Dragon Stones as a clear reward can only be done once.


"Special Missions" are available in this event! Complete the missions to get rewards!
* Please go to the "Special Missions" page for more information.
* Please note that the event content and dates are subject to change without prior warning.
We hope you continue to enjoy playing Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle!